A lot of podcasters have published late or missed a week entirely. We know life gets in the way, whether it’s an illness or schedule conflict. Sometimes you just can’t put out a show that day or week—we get it. And you’re not alone. But if there is one thing podcasts need to be good at, it’s consistency, so the show must go on! That’s why many podcasts batch record their episodes to stay on schedule and meet their deadlines. You’ll need a plan in place if you want to release a podcast episode every week (or whatever your publishing schedule is). You can absolutely stay on schedule when you plan to batch record. Batch recording can help your podcast be more efficient and less stressful.
What is Batch Recording?
The practice of batching tasks is a common way to improve productivity. Multiple similar tasks can usually be completed in one session rather than at different times. Over time, it is natural for us to become more efficient with tasks as we repeat them.
As it applies to podcasting, batch recordings are where you simultaneously make several episodes at each step of production in one session, so you bank up weeks (or months) worth of content at one time. So, for example, one day is set aside for recording several episodes, editing, and polishing. Your brain will fall into a comfortable rhythm when you record and edit your episodes simultaneously.
Note that batch recording doesn’t affect your publishing schedule; your show will post at its regular intervals. Batch recording is just one long session of creating and editing content.
Who is Batch Recording Good For?
Many podcasters use batching effectively. We have found that podcasts that fall under the following categories are good candidates for using batch recording:
Your content is evergreen. Podcasts that explore general themes or deliver evergreen content that doesn’t date itself do well with batching because the content is timeless.
Your podcast has a non-permanent setup. Save on time and hassle with equipment setup and dismantling when you batch record several episodes at once. As long as you have the space and time, you can record all of your content.
You have a co-host. Working with a co-host can be tricky, especially if you both have busy schedules. Plan your episodes in batches and knock out weeks, or months, worth of content at once.
Your shows are interconnected or run in seasons. Keep your narrative fresh and your storytelling on point when you need to connect your episodes, so they flow together. Segue seamlessly between topics and themes by keeping what was discussed previously in mind as you record the next episode.
You record on location. While you’re recording in a particular location, it might make sense to record several episodes while you’re there.
Who is Batch Recording Not Good For?
Batch recording doesn’t work with every podcast – the process may not be right for you or your show. You should hold off on batching if:
Your content is topical. Your content must be relevant if you cover the news, sports, TV shows, etc. The batching process does not support time-sensitive content as some recordings may become irrelevant before publication.
You’re new to podcasting or haven’t launched yet. Make one episode at a time, and don’t get too far ahead of yourself. Getting to know your workflow is essential and that only comes with experience. Batch recording might seem overwhelming to you at first. Maintaining your energy throughout a long recording session requires a lot of stamina. You might want to start out slowly and work your way up.
You use audience feedback. If you built your podcast around audience engagement, like reading emails, social media, or listening to audio clips, batching might not serve you. Recording several weeks or months out will leave your audience feeling ignored, and it is possible for feedback from your audience to become outdated very quickly.
Your schedule doesn’t allow for it. Not everyone has a day to set aside for batching. Some podcasters work on their podcast as they have time for it. So batching might not be suitable for you unless your schedule is very regimented and reliable.
Stop dreading your podcast deadlines and stick to a consistent schedule with batch recordings. As a result, gain some flexibility in your workflow and minimize the stress. You’ll drive audience growth with consistent, quality episodes.
Schedule a complimentary discovery call with our team if you need help batch recording your podcast. Our production team of experts can help get your podcast delivered on schedule!